Ride in Romania

Top of the Balkans June 2018

Just when we thought we experienced the perfect day with great challenging twisty roads, beautiful scenery and great food, the following day Cristian leads a route even better the next day, culminating with the legendary Transfăgărășan Road on our the last day during our group’s eight day adventure with Ride In Romania. Even with multiple border crossings daily, sometimes unpredictable weather and some minor road construction delays, our schedule was always “spot on” and we could count on a cold local beer upon arriving at our four star hotel in the late afternoon, tired, dusty and happy……My wife Gail was especially appreciative of our superb Sag Wagon pilot, Andre, who always seemed to find our riders just before any storm cloud would approach, thus providing her the option of experiencing the ride a little more comfortably.
I would HIGHLY recommend Ride in Romania to anyone who wishes to travel a beautiful part of the world while experiencing some challenging, twisty, yet safe riding on newer, well maintained BMW Motorcycles.

Ed and Gail Thompson   June 28, 2018  USA