Moto Tours & Trainings

Inside the Balkans

Thank-you for leading a very spirited ride “Inside the Balkans” plus a custom ‘add on’ North into Transylvania. We were concerned , when arranging the trip , that we didn’t know Romanian tour companies and you proved quickly that we could trust you and your organization.
You were very attentive to the different needs of all of the participant…a tough job… You maintain a fast pace to make the twisties very challenging. We loved the history of the region and the gorgeous landscape that kept our eyes popping..
In addition I would like to thank you for the fine condition of the BMW motorcycles and the good rubber. It adds to your confidence on the mountain roads.
We are already considering your “Tour of Greece” for next year because we liked this fall tour so much and felt it was good value..

Ward Coulson   October 4, 2018  Canada